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Folding the Prayer Mat so Satan doesn't pray on it & Unfolding to pray on it- Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Rolling up or folding pants during Salah - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
will satan pray on my prayer mat if i leave it spread #DrMuhammadSalah #HUDATV
Folding The Prayer Mat So Shaytan Doesn't Pray On It. ( Sh Assim Al Hakeem )
Is it permissible to pray on a thick prayer mat with sponge or foam? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Folding the Prayer Mat so Satan doesn't pray on it - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem | 24SevenIslam
Folding Prayer Mat After Praying So That Shaytaan Doesn't Pray ? | Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem
Folding the prayer mat (jaenamaz) so that shaytan can't pray on it
Are Prayer Mats sacred? assimalhakeem JAL
Is it permissible to pray with folded sleeves? - Assim al hakeem
Can we Pray on a bed or Mattress? What about Foam or Spongy Prayer mats? - Assim al hakeem
Can I pray on a prayer mat with designs especially that of Kabah, Masjids etc? - Assim al hakeem